The Hunts

The Hunts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is usually pretty calm in the Hunt house - no exceptions this year as Daddy pulled some major OT so we only got 1 day with him. :(  Saturday we had a great day in the beautiful Seattle sun.  We let Daddy sleep in and recover from his very late night at work, and Avery and I walked down to Carillon Pt. Park to play in the sand and lake.  We were the first ones at the park, but by the time we left the place was packed!  There's no better place on earth when it's sunny than by the water in Washington.

When we got back home (and Mom recovered from pushing the stroller up the huge hill), we joined Daddy at the pool.  Avery wanted to lounge just like Daddy:
After Avery's nap we took Nana & Opa to the M's game, Hunt style in Diamond Club.  
Monday I took Avery for a special Mommy & Me dinner at Red Robin.  She drank about half of the milkshake and didn't sit back down in her chair for the rest of the meal.
After her bath she wrapped up in her new toddler sized towel from Grandma.  Bye-bye baby towels. :(
And I finally broke down at the grocery store and let Avery ride in the car shopping carts.  She loved it, but played Chinese fire drill many times through the course of our trip.  You'd be surprised at how many stares, smiles, laughs and smirks of pity you get pushing one of these fancy rides around!
I'm missing my little stinker this work week after all of that quality time together.  Hopefully the next holiday weekend will have alot more Daddy time too!

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