The Hunts

The Hunts

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When life gives you lemons...

you're supposed to make lemonade.  Right now, Andy and I can't keep up with the lemons pouring in.  On top of an already challenging life: moving to a new house and wrapping things up with the old one, a stubborn toddler who is fighting change which includes sleeping in her big girl bed, and running on an average of 5 collective hours of sleep a night, this week has brought even bigger challenges.  On Sunday, Andy twisted his knee at work - MRI will tell us for sure still, but doctor is certain he tore his ACL and will need surgery.  This will be a 6 month recovery process and our strong, helpful Daddy will be needing help of his own.  And before my 6 week c-section recovery is over.

Today, we had a follow up ultrasound for Malin's cyst as well as an ultrasound to check her hips: routine procedure for all breech babies.  Unfortunately both scans turned us down.  The cyst that was originally found in utero and thought to be on her ovary, then scanned after birth and thought be on her intestines, is still present and now thought to be back on her ovary which hopefully will go away on it's own.  The other scan determined that our poor little baby has DDH, or hip dysplasia, in both hips, which is seen in breech babies and is also genetic.  My Mom had hip dyspasia and was in a full body cast as an infant.  Little Malin will be in a harness keeping her legs up 24/7 for a good 6 weeks starting tomorrow.  It breaks my heart to watch my sweet innocent baby be at the mercy of doctors. 

We try to count our many blessings every day, and we could sure use any other prayers coming our way.  Please keep Andy and Malin in your prayers for speedy recoveries!

Here's our sweet little "froggie" in her new harness.  She'll be in this for the next 6 weeks or so...

Say Cheese Malin!

Now that I have 2 cuties to photograph, we have the camera out all the time!  Here are my favorite pictures from my 1st and 2nd photoshoots with Malin (and her big sister). 

Photoshoot #1, at 2 weeks old.

I love this, sister love.

My sweet angel.

Photoshoot #2, at 3 weeks old.

Hermans Monkey toes!
I love these two little cuties and are so thankful to have them both in my life.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bringing Malin Home

Sunday afternoon (1/27), we finally got to check out of the hospital and bring our new little angel home!  Nana, Opa and Avery were waiting for us.  (Opa built us a new storage area in our garage while we were in the hospital and Avery spent the weekend with them). 
The first week home involved lots of resting, cuddling, and relaxing.  I'm so thankful that I had my supportive and loving husband and Mom all week to help me out with these two cuties.  C-section is a way harder recovery than normal delivery.  The first day home was really rough.  It was so nice that we were able to spend some time as a family with our new budle of joy.
Avery has been the best big sister.  I'm so proud of her, she loves her little sister and has been very gentle and attentive with her.
Malin did lots of sleeping.
And got her first bath at home.
She was a trooper at her first doctor visit.
I'm such a lucky Mom to have these 2 cuties to cuddle with every day!
Thank you SO much to my Mom for all the amazing help she provided during the week she was here!  You/re the best Mommy!