The Hunts

The Hunts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

2 year photoshoot part 1&2

I recently took a photography class, and the advice they kept repeating "now don't go try to practice your new skills on your 2 year old, pick a non-moving object..."  I've been trying to do Avery's 2 year photoshoot for weeks now, and as you'll see, is has not been an easy task.  This kid is always on the move and is not really a fan of the camera always being in her face.

The first attempt, at Bellevue Park looked promising...
And the 2nd attempt at another Bellevue Park by us... she was way to busy for me.
Mom, these photoshoots are exhausting!
More to come!

Happy Father's Day!

We had a very fun, family-packed Father's Day weekend. 

Avery and I started the weekend playing with our friends Ambreen, Raceen and Sienna while Daddy took some buddies to the M's game.  Avery LOVES Sienna (who is a year younger).  She couldn't keep her hands off of her!

Saturday we headed down to Olympia for Cousin Nolan's 2nd birthday.  We had lots of fun with family at the very cute Cookie Monster themed party.

Cookie Monster visor.
Avery & Grandma
The birthday boy eyeing his cake.
Avery was dying to eat those eyeballs!
The kids "helping" Nolan open his gifts.
The silly Ruhl/Groth cousins.
Cuddle time with Uncle Mike.

On Sunday we gave all the Dads a very special Dad's Day gift... ;) and then got to spend a little time at the farmer's market and the bay before we headed north.

Papa & Grandma
We headed up to Kent to spend Father's Day dinner with Opie and Nanie.
Reading with Opie
Playing with Nana
Happy Father's Day to all of our wonderful Dads!  Avery is a very lucky little girl, she has the greatest Daddy who loves her unconditionally and would literally do anything for her.  He gives the best hugs and I already see the admiration Avery has for her Daddy.  She must get that from her Mommy, cause I think my Dad is pretty cool too.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Avery's first week of "school"

Last week was a big week for all of us: Avery started daycare part-time (or as we call it "school" to make it sound better).  We've been gearing up for it for awhile, but nothing could prepare us for the emotional roller coaster we endured those 3 days.  It was really tough for Andy and I to drop Avery off with strangers and just walk away, and it didn't help that she screamed bloody murder the first morning.  It makes your heart ache to think you are the cause of your child's pain.  I rushed home from work that day and picked her up: a happy girl riding a bike with her bitty blankie.  Once she saw Mommy she cried, of course starting Mommy's tears up again.  The next 2 days got better: tears when Andy dropped her off, and again when I picked her up.  According to her teachers; however, she did great all day, ate most of her lunch and even napped!  We know this is going to be a good transition for Avery to build her social skills, she's been very sheltered and spoiled in her 2 years of life.  I think it may be the hardest on Mommy, Daddy and Nana.  It was a Kleenex week!  Good job for being such big girl Avery, we are proud of you!
Exhausted after the first day with no nap.
Daddy brought us Blizzards to make us feel better after a rough day.
Day 2 pick up: smiles!
Life has a funny way of handing you a dose of reality when you need it most.  This last week was the most emotionally draining for me in my 2 years of being a Mom; however, there are so many other Moms who have to put on brave faces for their sick children.  A friend from high school posted her blog which talks about one of her 3 children who was diagnosed with Cancer and a condition as a result of it.  They have endured a year and a half of surgeries, chemo, physical therapy... I can't even begin to imagine the courage it takes to go through that, and yet, her blog is nothing but positive and filled with pictures of happy faces.  Just when you think life is tough, just remember, someone else is going through something far more grueling.  I truly admire parents of sick kids, God must have picked them because he knew they had the courage to get through it.

To lighten the mood, here are some of Avery's recent antics.  She is so hilarious, she keeps us laughing all the time.  I can't believe what an amazing little girl she is.

She must have learned from the ladies who give Auntie Di and Mommy pedis, she loves getting her stool out and giving Mommy and Daddy pedicures!
We often catch her packing up her purse, grabbing her keys, hopping on her bike and blowing us kisses goodbye.  This morning, she told us she was going to see Opie and Nannie.
Always the big helper.  Baking banana bread with Mommy. 
Lounging in the sun at Nana & Opa's.
Reading books with Opie.
Wish us luck for week #2 in school! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thank You Nannie

Yesterday was Avery's last day at home with Nana.  Avery has been a very lucky girl. For the first year of her life, she spent 3 days with Nana and 1 day with Grandma while Mommy and Daddy went to work.  The second year she had Nana for 3 days.  We've had it very easy, as Nana would drive up to our place Tuesday-Thursday, so we could let Avery sleep as long as she wanted and she got to play in her own home with her "Nannie."  Andy and I cannot begin to express how eternally grateful we are to Nana for taking such good care of our little stinker while we had to be away from her.  Since Avery and Nana have spent so much time together, they have a very special bond, at times Nana even comes before Mommy!  I grew up very close to my Oma & Opa and am so grateful that Avery gets to do the same with both sets of her grandparents.  There's no love like the love of a Grandparent.
Avery begins part-time daycare next Tuesday.  It's going to be a hard transition for all 4 of us, but in the end I think it will do Avery alot of good in her social and verbal skills.  Wish us luck!

Thanks again Nana for taking such good care of Avery.  We love you!