The Hunts

The Hunts

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

8 Months Old

The months are just flying by, our little MaeMae is already 8 months old!  Andy and I hate letting our tiny baby go, but Malin is becoming such a fun, sweet baby with her own personality.  It's fun to see how different our girls are as they get older, and also to see their bond with each other grow.  Malin can now sit on the floor and legitimately play with her sister.  Avery's favorite game to play with little sis; however, is tackle.  Little Malin is a tough cookie, no matter how much Avery dishes, Malin takes it all in stride laughing all the way.  She thinks her big sister is the best! 

Malin is a master sitter, and can get herself around by rolling, sitting or scooting backwards.  We've been working on the crawling thing but so far she's only gotten up on all 4s and rocked back & forth.  She just cut her 4th tooth, and she's not a big fan of these 4 teeth in her mouth.  She's been playing with these new things in her mouth and makes a silly bulldog face and has even started grinding them!  She does think they are pretty cool to grind down the massive amounts of food she eats.  Malin will track you down and insist you share whatever it is you're eating with her, and she takes it down no problem, even finishing big sis' left-overs.  We love this about her! 

Malin is a very independent baby, she can sit by herself and play for long periods of time, just looking over to make sure one of her loved ones is nearby from time to time.  She still has a major stranger phobia, and won't let anyone outside of Mommy, Daddy or Nannie hold her for more than 30 seconds before she starts crying.  She's become more vocal and has a set of lungs on her!  At her first Husky football game last weekend she screamed her lungs out and drew quite a crowd!  (She also gets a ton of attention from those amazing baby blues of hers.  Every where we go I get stopped by people mesmerized by her beautiful eyes).  I also think she is officially saying Mama (Mam, Mam, Mam), but it seems to usually be in her highchair, so it's probably more of "Yum, yum!" :)  Nana recently taught her patty-cake so now she thinks she's pretty cool clapping.

She is such a good-natured, even-keeled little girl.  She's also quite a cuddler.  She greets us in the morning and when we return from work with the best snuggles as she sucks her thumb.  She's been such an easy transition into our little family, and we couldn't be more proud to be her parents.

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