Avery's 1st Birthday party was last Saturday, at Clyde Beach Park in Bellevue. Mother Nature listened and held off on the rain for us, unfortunately I forgot to ask for no wind. We had a partially sunny & very windy day. Avery is a very loved little girl though, just about everyone still showed up and braved the wind chill to help us celebrate. Thank you to everyone who bundled up and came out to party with us!!! And a HUGE thank you to Nana and Opa for helping us set up and clean up. Here are some of the pictures from the Seattle Spring day.
Avery helped me put together her Happy Birthday banner, complete with pictures from each month's photoshoot.

The official cake, made by Nana's neighbor. (This neighbor knows how to make a cake! No offense Boni - we still laugh about our wedding cake).

My very loyal KM girls and their sweet hubbies never let me down!

The birthday girl in all her layered glory.

The poor Great-Grandmas (Great Oma and Great Nana) shivered together. (Great Grandma was there in spirit).

My cousin J.R. and his sweet wife Erin bundled up their munckins and braved colds. I didn't get their very cute faces though.

Tammy made Avery's VERY cute smash cake. I think she made it too cute, Avery didn't want to touch it!

Auntie Di and Avery battling the wind gusts.

Grandpa and Avery playing with the kids on the big toy. (At least that was a hit!)

Even cousin Nolan got in on the action.

And Auntie Nan and Cousin Braden showed Avery that the slide isn't so scary.

Avery's buddy, sweet little Vail with her Mommy and Daddy (Jen & Theo).

The beautiful McNabb girls. Can you believe they are 7 and almost 5?! Wow, how time flies! Isabelle was a tiny little toddler flower girl in our wedding and Mia was about to be born.

Auntie Nan playing with Avery while Nana cleans up.

Hey Mandi, you got anything good in that purse for me?!
Thank you again to everyone to came to party with us and spoiled our little munchkin. Avery and I are working on thank you's, we will get them out ASAP. :)
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