Avery is still a tiny girl - music to Mommy's ears! She is just now in 12 months clothes and still in size 2 shoes - tiny feet. At her 12 month check up this week she weighs 19 lbs 2 oz (in the 15%) and is 27 3/4" long (in the 20%). That means in the 12 months she's been alive she has only put on 12 pounds. It's a combination of being a very active & curious girl and being a polite nibbler. She has 8 teeth now, all in the front and we think the makings of a molar are pushing through. She hasn't walked yet, still standing and cruising with the aid of furniture and adult fingers. But she moves VERY quickly when she does move. Her favorite walking activity is taking the dining room chairs and moving them around the dining room. Maybe she doesn't like my decorating skills?
Her personality continues to grow. She is a Taurus in every aspect - demands attention, not afraid to speak her mind, and does not budge on what she wants. In fact, taking things from her that she gets her hands on (Mom & Dad's phone, remote, computer...) results in a tantrum in which she launches herself backward and screams bloody murder. She is a Mocerino for sure - she loves to talk. She's been babbling to us quite a bit lately, and her voice has gotten deeper - it seems as if her sounds are coming from the back of her throat. She is starting to mimic Mommy & Daddy now, which means she's also starting to pick up on some of the sign language we've been using. During her birthday we learned that she is indeed all girl - she does not like getting dirty (why she wouldn't get into her cake) and nibbles slowly on food while boy cousin Nolan pounds what's in front of him.
She is not a fan of getting her diaper changed, and usually cries through each event if she's not playing "pick up whatever it is I just threw on the floor" with us. She loves her toys that sing & play music, pushing the buttons over and over and dancing - dropping it like it's hot. (I didn't teach her that!) Avery is still a bit of a Mommy's girl - she's very clingy to me, and Mondays when I work from home she sits on my lap and "helps" out. But she has a strong bond with Daddy too, she gives him the cutest smiles, and Mommy face now belongs to Daddy.
This is probably the end of our monthly photoshoots. Though Mommy finally got a fancy camera and this kid is just too darn cute, so we'll see about that. :) As per the last few months, we had to bribe her with a snack and have Daddy entertain her.
That first year flew by so fast. Thank you for one amazing year full of smiles, laughs and a few cries, my sweet Avery Albertine. You are the joy of our lives and have consumed the hearts of so many. I'll miss the tiny baby you used to be, but I'm enjoying every new day of discovering new things with you and seeing the amazing little girl you are turning into. We love you.
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