Last weekend we did round 2 of Avery's 1 year photoshoot with our new camera. We're still learning, but out of the MANY pictures we took I think we got a few good ones again. We went to the Bellevue Botanical Garden - which was the first time we've been there in the 7 years I've lived in Bellevue. The weather was a bit drizzly, but Avery was a trooper.
Daddy convincing Avery it was ok to stand by herself.

Having the support of her Sea World penguin helped the smiles.

Our woodland fairy.

This is one of my favorites. Definitely worth the face-plant Avery did right after this shot trying to dismount from the rock.

Thank goodness nobody came out of this door when we knocked. It's just Avery's size.

Outfit #2. She thought banging on these windows was a blast.
We're off to Puerto Vallarta this weekend so you can count on LOTS of new pictures to come!