The Hunts

The Hunts

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


For Avery's first Halloween we decided to go down to Olympia to Aunt Jess & Uncle Mike's so Avery could spend it with her cousins, and extended cousins and Grandma. We had a busy day on Sunday: church (first time for Avery), cousin's Braden's soccer practice, then off to Aunt Sarah's & Uncle Charlie's for dinner & trick-or-treating. Exhausting for Avery, mostly because of the 5 outfits she changed in and out of all day. :)

Last weekend at Nana & Opa's - modeling her Halloween outfit that Nana got her.
Hanging out with cousins Nolan and Braden. Nolan and Avery still have boundary issues with eachother - maybe because of the constant smacks in the face and chewing on fingers?
Braden the vampire. He LOVES Halloween. If he had it his way every day would be Halloween - even Christmas!
Our attempt at getting all the cousins together. Here's the best one I got, but with all the paparazzi flashing away I'm sure there's a better one somewhere. Sarah got these shirts for all the kids to wear when Nolan was born.
From Left to Right: Nolan (4 1/2 mos), Braden (4 1/2 yrs), Avery (5 1/2 mos), Katie (4 1/2 yrs), Emily (1 1/2 yrs). Nolan & Braden are Avery's direct cousins (Jess' kids) and Katie & Emily are their cousins (Mike's sisters' kids). Got it? :)
And let the trick-or-treating begin! Avery wasn't too happy sitting in her stroller at first. Little Miss Social had to be out like everyone else. Eventually we got her back in and Daddy rolled her up to every door with the big kids.
Nolan fell asleep half way in.
The 2 little pumpkins. They weren't very impressed with eachother, just looked for what part of their costumes they could eat! (P.S., if you forgot, Nolan is 5 1/2 weeks younger than Avery. He's a big boy!)

We had a great time! Thanks to Jess & Mike and Sarah & Charlie for having us over and giving Avery a great first Halloween!

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