Avery had her 6 month check-up on Monday. We're happy to report that she is a healthy baby girl and doc thinks she's on track developmentally. She weighs 15lbs, 15oz and is 25 3/4" long. She's in the 50th percentile for both - Little Miss Average. She's still in size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes, but a shopping spree is due for 6 months clothes as she's getting too long and her jeans are very SKINNY jeans.
She started a new trick a couple days ago while laying in Mommy & Daddy's bed watching cartoons - she can now sit up all on her own. That only means crawling is coming very soon - and the chase begins!
Here's our little Stinker on her 6 month birthday. I got lots of these shots...

And then Daddy came home from the gym...
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