Avery's 4th of July was pretty low key. We spent the weekend at the Hunt's house in Arlington. The annual Hunt river float on the Stilliguamish was on Saturday and Avery & I sat by the river with the Ruhls while Daddy floated. (Or should we say paddled and played rescue boat). Avery snoozed and people-watched from the Baby Bjorn all day. She even got to meet her Great-Grandma Hunt finally.
4th of July we stayed in-doors due to the cold rainy weather and spent quality time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jess, Uncle Mike and cousins Braden and Nolan. Since they were all dressed up in their patriotic outfits (thanks Grandma!) we had a photoshoot.
Here's my little smiley girl.
Avery & Nolan getting close. (But still not paying attention to eachother)
Big brother/cousin Braden holding the babies.
Ah, look at those little angels. :)
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