Yesterday was Avery's 2 month birthday! She's grown so much in the last month - not physically but personality. She's starting to smile now, which totally melts your heart. After she's done her morning eat and diaper change, she greets Andy and I with the biggest smile. She's started "talking" to us too now, which is so adorable. Get her in the right mood and she'll start cooing and giggling after asking her questions about her day. Just when you think this little girl couldn't get any cuter she does! She's still very much a little Andy Junior, but we're starting to see a little bit of Mom in her eyes, what do you think? She's definitely living up to being a Taurus - she can be quite the little stinker when she wants to be. She'll certainly let you know if she's not happy or if she's in need of attention. (Not like she ever suffers from attention!)
We last weighed her on Monday, and she's up to 9lbs, 6oz which the Doctor said puts her in the 30% percentile. Still a little girl! I think she's about 23 inches long now, but we'll know next Monday when she has her 8 week (a little late) check up. That includes her first round of shots which will probably have Avery, Mom and Dad in tears. Wish us luck!
Happy 2 Month Birthday my little Princess!
This is my new favorite picture. Such a smiley girl!
Her other favorite habbit - when she's not drinking milk apparently the fist is the next best thing!
Ah, those big eyes! Think she got those from Mommy.
Still wearing Newborn diapers. She's skinny like her Daddy.
Now there's a Daddy's girl!
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