Thursday, July 29, 2010
Avery's First Swim Lesson
We took Avery to the Bellevue Aquatic Pool today for her first swim lesson with Mom and Dad. The pool is 91 degrees so we figured she'd like it. She may be a water baby like her Mama, she loved it! Here's Avery swimming with Daddy.
And swimming with Mommy.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Life in Perspective
This is a different post for me, but one I thought was very much needed. I heard from a former co-worker of mine today that her 9 month old granddaughter was just diagnosed with cancer, with a tumor that's too large to operate on and has begun chemo and steroid therapy. They discovered the tumor 3 days after a routine doctor visit after little Maddy wasn't using her legs. Children's Hospital discovered the tumor was pushing on her spinal cord, paralyzing her lower half of her body. There's a 50/50 chance she will regain full mobility.
I've never met the daughter or granddaughter, but have spent majority of the day today fighting back tears for them. Now a Mom myself, I can't even imagine having the strength to watch your innocent child go through anything like that - I thought watching Avery get shots was hard!
It's things like this that really make you realize how precious life is and how easily it is to take the things you do have and the people in your life for granted. I realize how fortunate I am for having a loving family, a devoted husband and healthy baby girl. Also, it makes me remember all the couragous women I know in my life who have fought their own battles in life. The friend who lost her first baby at 7 months in the womb but had 2 more beautiful children afterwards and is a fantastic Mom; the friend who went through 2 miscarriages between kids 1 & 2 and has #3 on the way and is seriously super mom; the family friend who is still trying to get a diagnosis for why her baby continues to have mysterious allergic reactions but is raising 2 of the most brilliant, beautiful girls; and my friend who was faced with the decision to remove the 99% chance of someday undergoing breast cancer and endured months of pain and recovery. You are all my heros!
Please keep little Maddy in your prayers as well as the babies close to your heart and the parents who worry about them every second from the minute they find out they are going to be a parent.
I've never met the daughter or granddaughter, but have spent majority of the day today fighting back tears for them. Now a Mom myself, I can't even imagine having the strength to watch your innocent child go through anything like that - I thought watching Avery get shots was hard!
It's things like this that really make you realize how precious life is and how easily it is to take the things you do have and the people in your life for granted. I realize how fortunate I am for having a loving family, a devoted husband and healthy baby girl. Also, it makes me remember all the couragous women I know in my life who have fought their own battles in life. The friend who lost her first baby at 7 months in the womb but had 2 more beautiful children afterwards and is a fantastic Mom; the friend who went through 2 miscarriages between kids 1 & 2 and has #3 on the way and is seriously super mom; the family friend who is still trying to get a diagnosis for why her baby continues to have mysterious allergic reactions but is raising 2 of the most brilliant, beautiful girls; and my friend who was faced with the decision to remove the 99% chance of someday undergoing breast cancer and endured months of pain and recovery. You are all my heros!
Please keep little Maddy in your prayers as well as the babies close to your heart and the parents who worry about them every second from the minute they find out they are going to be a parent.
Avery's Idol - Isabelle McNabb
I forgot to post about our night at the McNabbs a couple weekends ago. We went over for a BBQ dinner (that was fabulous by the way) and Isabelle and Mia finally got to see Avery up close. Avery absolutely LOVES Isabelle. She could not take her eyes off of her! She smiled and laughed when Isabelle was holding her and would watch her every move when someone else was holding her. So cute! We asked Isabelle if she wanted to come home with us to be our nanny but she didn't want to leave home. I see a future babysitter!
I can't believe how big Isabelle is. She's 6 already! And look how smart she is, reading Avery a story. Seems not that long ago Isabelle was the baby I was reading to!
I didn't get any pictures of Mia this time (these pictures are on my iPhone, I forgot my camera!) but those McNabb girls are beauties! Watch out Jeff and Elaine! Uncle Bob's going to be staked out at the front door in his "shoes on" with 45 in hand. :)
Here's a picture from the last photoshoot of Isabelle and Mia. Cuties huh?!

Boat Baby
Avery finally got on the water this past weekend. She and I drove over to Crescent Bar to spend the weekend with the Greene family during their annual summer vacation. (Andy stayed home and got some well-deserved time out with the boys). We went out on cousin Bryan's boat and Avery had a great time, slept most of the time in her car seat. We tried on her new fancy life jacket that says 0-30 lbs, but seems to eat her alive! She looks pretty cute, even though the princess will not be putting her little toes in cold water for awhile. (She's not a fan of our pool at the condo, but we're going to keep trying. She has no choice on being a water baby!)
This picture looks just like one I had as a baby - though my life jacket was shiny yellow and made of that foamy stuff. I'll have to find that picture and do a comparison.
Here's my little boater. (Why does this site flip my pictures all weird?)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Avery's New Buddy
Our good friends Margaret and Scott welcomed their neice, Alena, into the world 2 days before Avery was born. Alena was 9 days early and over 8 lbs, Avery was 5 days early and 7 lbs. They finally met at 10 weeks old. Alena has done some growing and Avery is still a little runt.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
8 week check-up
On Monday Avery had her 8 week check-up (at 9 weeks old). She weighed in at 9 pounds 13 ounces, and is 22.5 inches long. That puts her in the 20th percentile for weight and 30th percentile for length. Still a little girl. She got a very good bill of health. The doctor said she doesn't usually tell parents baby's eye color, but "hello blue eyes!" Avery also got her first round of vaccinations - 1 oral and 3 shots! I don't know who it was more traumatic for, Avery or me, we were both in tears. Poor Andy didn't know which one of us to console. She was very sleepy all day but our tough little girl got through it. We get to go through it all over again in 2 months.
I forgot to mention in the last blog a couple other new activities Avery's into. She has recently discovered the fun of her Baby Einstein gym. She'll get her arms and legs moving like she's in a kung-fu movie - it's really fun to watch her. Here's a couple pictures of her at work.

She's also become better about napping and has learned to enjoy her bouncy chair - even taking naps in it. We're working on the transition from the bassinet to crib - which I think will be harder for me than her. Our little baby is growing!
I forgot to mention in the last blog a couple other new activities Avery's into. She has recently discovered the fun of her Baby Einstein gym. She'll get her arms and legs moving like she's in a kung-fu movie - it's really fun to watch her. Here's a couple pictures of her at work.
Friday, July 9, 2010
2 Months Old
Yesterday was Avery's 2 month birthday! She's grown so much in the last month - not physically but personality. She's starting to smile now, which totally melts your heart. After she's done her morning eat and diaper change, she greets Andy and I with the biggest smile. She's started "talking" to us too now, which is so adorable. Get her in the right mood and she'll start cooing and giggling after asking her questions about her day. Just when you think this little girl couldn't get any cuter she does! She's still very much a little Andy Junior, but we're starting to see a little bit of Mom in her eyes, what do you think? She's definitely living up to being a Taurus - she can be quite the little stinker when she wants to be. She'll certainly let you know if she's not happy or if she's in need of attention. (Not like she ever suffers from attention!)
We last weighed her on Monday, and she's up to 9lbs, 6oz which the Doctor said puts her in the 30% percentile. Still a little girl! I think she's about 23 inches long now, but we'll know next Monday when she has her 8 week (a little late) check up. That includes her first round of shots which will probably have Avery, Mom and Dad in tears. Wish us luck!
Happy 2 Month Birthday my little Princess!
This is my new favorite picture. Such a smiley girl!
We last weighed her on Monday, and she's up to 9lbs, 6oz which the Doctor said puts her in the 30% percentile. Still a little girl! I think she's about 23 inches long now, but we'll know next Monday when she has her 8 week (a little late) check up. That includes her first round of shots which will probably have Avery, Mom and Dad in tears. Wish us luck!
Happy 2 Month Birthday my little Princess!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Back to work
Today is my first day back to work full time. It sure did go by fast. Good thing I love my job or it would really be hard to leave my little angel behind. Andy's been taking Mondays and Wednesdays off too so this is his first week back full time too. We're going to miss that little stinker like crazy but thank god we have the most supportive, loving Moms to watch her.
Avery's Nana (Joni) will be watching her Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Grandma (Sue) will be watching her on Thursdays for a few months until we decide to put her in daycare here at Starbucks. I get to work from home on Mondays and Andy has Fridays off. What a lucky girl, Avery gets to hang out with people who love her as much as we do.
Thank you so much Moms for taking care of Avery. We really appreciate it and cannot express our grattitude enough. We love you!
Avery's Nana (Joni) will be watching her Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Grandma (Sue) will be watching her on Thursdays for a few months until we decide to put her in daycare here at Starbucks. I get to work from home on Mondays and Andy has Fridays off. What a lucky girl, Avery gets to hang out with people who love her as much as we do.
Thank you so much Moms for taking care of Avery. We really appreciate it and cannot express our grattitude enough. We love you!
Happy 4th of July!
Avery's 4th of July was pretty low key. We spent the weekend at the Hunt's house in Arlington. The annual Hunt river float on the Stilliguamish was on Saturday and Avery & I sat by the river with the Ruhls while Daddy floated. (Or should we say paddled and played rescue boat). Avery snoozed and people-watched from the Baby Bjorn all day. She even got to meet her Great-Grandma Hunt finally.
4th of July we stayed in-doors due to the cold rainy weather and spent quality time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jess, Uncle Mike and cousins Braden and Nolan. Since they were all dressed up in their patriotic outfits (thanks Grandma!) we had a photoshoot.
Here's my little smiley girl.
Avery & Nolan getting close. (But still not paying attention to eachother)
4th of July we stayed in-doors due to the cold rainy weather and spent quality time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jess, Uncle Mike and cousins Braden and Nolan. Since they were all dressed up in their patriotic outfits (thanks Grandma!) we had a photoshoot.
Here's my little smiley girl.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Andy's Marathon
Last Saturday Andy completed the Rock and Roll marathon, 26.2 miles! It was his first marathon and we're so proud of him! He completed it in 4 hours. Way to go Andy, we knew you could do it!
At the half-way point. We waited with signs and saw Andy running by, looking great!

Avery snoozed through the Daddy sighting and the finish.

The champ.

At the half-way point. We waited with signs and saw Andy running by, looking great!
Avery snoozed through the Daddy sighting and the finish.
The champ.
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