We finally moved into our new house in Snoqualmie Ridge the end of November. And it's been a crazy whirl-wind of moving, unpacking, painting, hanging and organizing. We're exhausted! We had the help of our friends Margaret & Scott, and Amy & Jay along with our parents, which was GREATLY appreciated. Who knew we had so much stuff crammed in our condo? We're slowly getting through projects but as we've found, home ownership means never ending house projects. So far we have gotten rid of the horrible red walls and huge holes and replaced them with grey ones. We painted Avery's room from light yellow (including ceilings) to what was supposed to be tan but turned out a little mauvish. Next room: Baby girl's - right now it is a baby blue with a horrible Hawaii wallpaper mural on one wall...Avery has enjoyed having Opie around helping out with projects. Oma even came one day and Avery got to cuddle with her. She loves giving people tours of her new house.
Avery has adjusted really well to her new home, I'm so proud of her. She loves it. She has her own bathroom now and thought her tub looked like Grandma's tub. She loves going outside in the yard whenever she wants.
Unfortunately, during our move Avery got pinkeye (a parting gift from daycare) that knocked her out. Washcloths seemed to help.
Daddy even mowed the lawn already. He did perfect stripes in the backyard, what a pro!We got our first visit from a wood-land neighbor. (Our yard backs up to a greenbelt). Avery tried to feed & pet the bunny but he wasn't too sure about that.
And, living in the mountains now, we had our first snow, and boy did it snow! Avery thought it was great, though she's more of a snowbunny than anything.
We're so glad to finally be in a house in a great community with lots of room for both of our girls to play and grow. We have so much to be thankful for this year.
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