Avery had her 18 month check up yesterday. She's doing great, and is still our little peanut. At 31 3/4" she's in the 50th percentile for height and at 22 lbs, 3oz is in the 20th percentile for weight. No surprise there, she's not a huge fan of eating much other than milk. She doesn't speak much yet, well regular English anyways, but with the few words she does use along with her signs Doc says she's right on track. She's a total chatter-box though, going on all day and looks to us for response. Our little parana is ahead of the game in one area: she has 16 teeth! Wow!
Avery is still FULL of personality. Here is what she's up to. She catches on to things quickly, and mocks everything we do. Her favorite thing to do like Mommy does is clean the walls, floors, anything on her level. She's obsessed with shoes, especially Mom & Dad's, and walks all over the house with them on. She loves dogs, gets really excited when she sees them. She knows the sounds that 4 animals make: Dog, Fish, Rabbit & Monkey. She's a sweet-heart, gives huge hugs, kisses, and eskimo kisses. She's also still my little stinker. She throws some pretty good tantrums, and when she's being naughty she wears her "Chucky Face" proudly. She leads us all over the house showing us cool new things or things she wants and can't reach.
Avery is still FULL of personality. Here is what she's up to. She catches on to things quickly, and mocks everything we do. Her favorite thing to do like Mommy does is clean the walls, floors, anything on her level. She's obsessed with shoes, especially Mom & Dad's, and walks all over the house with them on. She loves dogs, gets really excited when she sees them. She knows the sounds that 4 animals make: Dog, Fish, Rabbit & Monkey. She's a sweet-heart, gives huge hugs, kisses, and eskimo kisses. She's also still my little stinker. She throws some pretty good tantrums, and when she's being naughty she wears her "Chucky Face" proudly. She leads us all over the house showing us cool new things or things she wants and can't reach.
18 months is a big deal, so Mommy got Avery a present. :) The best gift was a replacement bitty blankie since we lost her very dear one at the pumpkin patch.
Dear Avery: How did 18 months go so fast? You have turned our world upside down. You keep me on my toes and never fail to bring a smile to my face. You amaze me at how much you understand and how you consume my heart with so much love. It makes me sad to watch you grow up so fast, but I find myself loving each new stage more and more. You have so much personality, you are definitely a girl who knows what she wants. I hope that will always keep you reaching for the stars. You are the center of your Mommy & Daddy's world and you've captured the hearts of many. I couldn't be more proud to call you my sweet baby girl. :)
Love, Mommy
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