Husky home game #4. We went to the game with Grandma & Papa. The weather has officially changed to fall, we went from summer clothes to winter clothes in a hurry. Avery's poor little hands were freezing during our tailgating festivities. Good thing her mittens happened to be in the diaper bag! And, another Husky victory!
Avery and Grandma tailgating. Watching the game with Papa outside the Don James Center. Avery is very relaxed with Papa, can you tell? She slept through all that cheering. After the Husky game, we traveled over to Edmonds for Avery's 3rd cousins' Jackson & Tate's 3rd & 1st birthday party. There were LOTS of kids for Avery to play with (Avery is #7 of 9 kids on the Greene side alone), so after her initial shyness wore off she was off causing mischief along with the boys. Ann rescuing baby Emma from the present madness. Me and birthday boy Tate. He's such a cutie! Avery hanging out with Cousin Bryan. Singing Happy Birthday and Erin's amazing home-made train cakes. Avery and Tate playing together. (She is wearing a skirt, I swear!) Sunday was back to Kent for barn weekend #3. We're getting so close! Check out this sunset, pretty amazing. And Avery splashed in the bathtub after dinner. On Mondays I work from home and we make it a point not to leave the house (so Mommy can be a la naturale) so I get to spend every waking hour with my little stinker. Since she loves to do exactly what Mommy does, she works along side me on her computer too. Here she is putting in some hard work. She cracks me up!
Thank you for visiting Avery and Malin's blog! We are so proud of our 2 cuties that we love to share stories and pictures of our adventures together. These girls are very blessed to have so many people in their life who love them as much as their Mommy and Daddy do!
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