Going through my phone I noticed the pictures of Avery on there truly capture every aspect of her huge personality. These are the "action shots" I get of Avery right before or during some of her stunts. She has so much personality, it amazes me sometimes. She certainly has a mind of her own and is not afraid to express herself! Here are some pictures of my little Stinker in action over the last few months from my phone. She's as wild as the mop of golden locks on her head!
At one of the parks by us, thinking she's a big kid.
Running away from Mommy at the pool. (One of her favorite games)
"Helping" Mommy fold laundry. She's obsessed with the remote.
She loves to share food. Here she's feeding Daddy a beef stick.
Driving the boat. She also likes to sit on Mommy's lap and "drive" the truck in our parking lot.
Swinging like a mad woman at the park next to us. She refuses to hang on.
Playing tennis with Mommy & Daddy. She was all over the court, and in fact, took a ball to the back running in front of Daddy. (Oops, bad Mommy!)
Hanging out by the water in Kirkland. She was actually very well behaved and sat with Mommy people watching.
After screaming during a nap attempt, cuddling with Mommy with that sweet face. "Please Mommy, don't make me go back to bed!"
At Carillon Point. She thought the waves crashing up on the steps was the most hilarious thing!
At our pool this weekend. Daddy dipped her in right here, she then thought she was a big girl and took a leap into the pool on her own. Mommy saved her but now Daddy insists on wearing her life jacket at all times when we are at the pool. (She didn't even cry!)
Dinner with Di & Cara last night. We were pulling out everything to keep her entertained and not running all over. She's putting on makeup like Mommy does.

Oh mijn Albertinje (my little Albertine), you sure are living up to your middle name! You are as curious as your great-grandma was and every bit as lovable! Don't ever change who you are, you keep me on my toes and keep a smile on my face. :)
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