I need to do some updating on our blog of what we've been up to the last few weeks, but in the meantime I thought I would update on what Avery's been up to lately since I don't do a monthly check-in or photoshoot any more.
Avery turned 15 months old today. In the last 3 months she has morphed into a little girl. She's marching and running all over the place. She demands constant attention, which she is reminding me of as I type this - pulling on my shirt and playing peek a boo behind my back. She definitely keeps a smile on my face. (Well, when she isn't throwing a temper-tantrum screaming on the floor). She has become even more vocal, speaking in Avery-isms that only she can understand, but speaks it all the time. She does say "Mama" and "Dada" quite frequently and now we know she definitely knows what they mean.
Avery continuously learns new "tricks" and each time she learns something new we think she's a genius! About a month ago she learned "where's your belly" pulling up her shirt and patting her belly when you ask her. Now she knows "where's your eyes" and points to her eyes and says "I, I" or will just about poke my eyes out when I ask "where are Mommy's eyes?" Her other trick is giving "tickles" when we ask for them, so cute.
She is our tiny dancer, and immediately starts boogying when she hears music and claps along to it. On certain songs and if we sing to her she tries to sing along. Her favorite show is Sesame Street - she's completely mesmerized by it and sings and dances to it.
She's become a little lover too. When she's in the mood, if I ask her if I can have kisses, she'll give me lots of big open mouth slobbery kisses, which I love! She has adopted a "lovey" her little square blanket that I've had in her crib since she was a tiny baby. She can't sleep without it and marches around the house with it. She's also quite a little wrestler, pushing us down if we sit on the floor to play with her. She loves playing with other kids, something we try to have her do as much as possible.
This little girl keeps us laughing and makes us so proud. I can't believe she is growing up so fast but I love all these new aspects of her growing personality. I love you sweet girl!