Our little stinker is 11 months old now, I can't believe how fast she's growing up. I swear, in the last month she has changed so much from a baby into a little girl. She has so much personality, and is really starting to become a pretty girl. We want to be around her every minute so we don't miss out on anything! Here's what she's up to:
Thanks to Daddy, she has a new trick: spitting. She does it mostly when she's mad, and has a lovely spit after each cry. But sometimes she does it just for fun and if you're lucky you will get a lovely spit bath in the face from her. She's also excersized her lungs and has developed quite a scream when she's not happy. She's a little bi-polar, she can go from being our cute smiley girl to a very mad screamer in the blink of an eye. Her favorite word is back to "Mama" and I often catch her crawling after me through the condo saying "Ma-ma." So cute. She has perfected her crawl to a high-speed cruise, escpecially when she has her eyes on something she wants to get her hands on. We think she is on the brink of walking - she likes to walk along furniture and will pause to pick up her hands and balance by herself quite often. Any day now!
Mommy taught her a new trick of Eskimo kisses. It is the cutest thing ever, she loves to give them when she's in the right mood, and wrinkles up her cute little nose. Sometimes if I don't give her enough kisses she will grab my head and continue shaking it back and forth. We think her wrinkled nose face is the cutest one she makes at us and it's often accompanied by a snort. She has become quite independent and will only eat food that she can pick up herself. No more spoon-fed baby food for this girl! Avery also had her first weekend away from just Mommy too when I went to Vegas for 2 nights for Kristen's bachelorette party. She and Daddy bonded and now they have an even more special relationship - she gets so excited when Daddy comes home from work. There's nothing more touching than seeing the bond between your sweet baby girl and your husband who loves her more than life.
As usual, here are the pictures from her photoshoot. These were actually take the day after her 11 month birthday since we were at the Mariner's game that day. I think Avery is a little tired of these, as you can see she's not a huge fan of sitting still while Mommy snaps tons of photos.
I love you my sweet baby girl! I can't believe that in less than a month we will be celebrating 1 whole year since we welcomed you into our lives. You are truly the light of our lives.
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