Avery turned 9 months old last week. I can't beleive how big she's getting. She had her 9 month checkup today, and weighs 18 lbs, and is 27" long. Still a little girl. In her 9th month she had quite a few new developments. She grew 2 new teeth: her top front ones, so she now has 4 teeth. The top teeth are coming in with quite a gap which Nana (former dental & ortho assistant) says is good for her adult teeth - I hope so! She loves to use her new teeth on her baby crackers, puffs, and sometimes on Mommy. She can now pull herself up to a stand in her crib so we've had to lower her mattress down as low as it will go. We often see a mischievous grin looking back at us in the baby monitor when she's supposed to be sleeping. Speaking of sleep, ever since those last 2 chompers started coming in she no longer sleeps through the night. Those teeth were hard for her to get through - it even caused a 1 1/2 week bottle strike.
Clapping is still her favorite trick and when you say "yay" she will almost always start clapping. Her other new trick is playing peek-a-boo with you: pulling her blanket up over her face when I say "where's the baby?" and then pulls it down for a "peek-a-boo!" Very cute! She's become very much a Mama's girl, and has to be by Mom if I'm in the room. (She's sitting on my lap as I type this).
During her 9th month she worked hard on crawling and made a few steps forward - but generally scooted backwards on her tummy. Her favorite word is still "Dada" which she says all day long. Except at meal time which she says "Mama" when eating her favorite food - cereal puffs.
As usual here are some of my favorites from her monthly photoshoot. Doesn't she look like a little girl? My baby's growing up too fast.

The littlr Monkey.

She's obsessed with feeth.
Happy birthday my sweet baby!
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