Yesterday was Avery's 4 month birthday! It's hard to believe this little angel has been in our lives for 4 months already. She's changed so much in that time - just when you think she's got a ton of personality she does something new to make you laugh. She's such a little diva, she cracks me up with her dirty looks and loud cries for attention. Even her yawns are dramatic, she makes a loud "Ahhh" sound when yawning - mostly when she's in her car seat. She's started a fake cough too to let everyone knows she's in the room still. Andy thinks it's due to her high-pitch squeels when she's being a chatty Cathy. She can also give the biggest smiles which melts your heart. And she's become enamored with the baby staring back at her in her mirror in the truck. My favorite new habbit of hers is licking her Sophie giraffe, it makes me laugh every time. Her favorite toy is her little burp rags which she loves to wad up in her face and try to eat.
I never thought I'd see the day, but Avery has become a great sleeper! She sleeps great in her crib at night wrapped tight in her miracle blanket - though most mornings we find her with her arms poking out the top. She sleeps so well we usually have to wake her up for her mid-night (3AM ish) feed. Thank the Lord! She's working on sitting up, though her head usually makes her fall forward - must be all those brains. :) She's started to laugh too, usually at night when she's tired and rummy, it's so cute. She will sometimes give kisses to Mommy when I leave for work in the morning, which is more like her trying to eat my cheek, but I love it! We've tried a couple food items, just off our finger for fun and she's a big fan of ice cream.
Her 4 month check-up is next week - which means more shots and more tears for Avery & Mommy. She's really started filling out so it will be fun to see how much she weighs now.
Here are a few shots from her birthday photoshoot yesterday: (she wasn't really in picture mood)
Does this count as sitting up?
She loves to show off her 6 pack when she has dresses on. Such a lady!
Mom & I couldn't resist taking a couple naked shots after her bath. She thought Nana making her Harry dog bark was hilarious!
I can't wait to see what's to come from this little girl! She brings so much joy to our lives. It's hard to ever be in a bad mood when you're around her, she just makes you smile. We love you so much sweet girl!
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