Avery Albertine Hunt, born May 8, 2010 at 12:56 pm after 30 hours of contractions and 4 hours of pushing. She weighs 7 lbs 2 oz, and is 19 inches long. She surprised her mommy and daddy and came 5 days early of her due date. We went to the hospital at 9AM on May 7th, and were sent home an hour later. Andy and I spent the day tracking contractions, made a stop at Starbucks just in time to make the surprise baby shower my co-workers had planned for me. We walked Bellevue Park and timed the contractions at 5 minutes apart. We walked the condo multiple times and finally decided to head back to the hospital once the contractions reached 3 minutes apart. I was 4 cm dialated... and the fun began.
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