Malin has truly been a breath of fresh air to our sometimes crazy family. She is so even-tempered and mellow. She really only cries when she's tired or scared that one of her 3 core caretakers (Mommy, Daddy or Nanie) aren't around. She gives the best cuddles and so much love. None of us can compete with her love for her big sister though. Malin thinks Avery is the coolest thing on the planet and admires her so much. It makes my heart melt.
Malin is growing at about the same rate as her big sis did. We'll get her stats next week after her 6 month hip check- fingers crossed that all is well! She is a GREAT eater which is so refreshing since Avery is not a fan of food. She has had a while line up of veggies and gobbles them down. She's mastered rolling over and now does it proudly for Mommy & Daddy. She's just about got the sitting up thing down too. She has officially been in her crib for 2 weeks and is sleeping swaddled through the night. I'm doing all I can to keep her little, she may get swaddled into high school. :)
My sweet little Angel: you are such a blessing to our family. We all love you so much! Happy 1/2 birthday!
Here's our beautiful baby girl:
Avery wanted to get in on the action even though she was in post-nap attire.
Of course when Big Sis helped out with making Malin smile we got huge smiles and laughs!