The Hunts

The Hunts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Oma!

Today we are wishing my Oma a very Happy 85th Birthday! We got to celebrate with her on Sunday.

Here's Avery helping Oma open her gifts.My Oma is a very special person. She's the person I admire most in life, for her unfailing kindness, strength to overcome adversity, determination, compassion, wisdom, humility, humor, spunk and love for her family. Born March 28, 1927, as Albertine Louise Dom, now known as "Bertie" Hermans, she is Avery's middle namesake and I believe the inspiration of Avery's spirited personality. My Oma has lived a life worth writing a book about, and through all the hardships she has faced, she has always remained the most loving, caring person I've ever met. I am so fortunate to have grown up with my Oma and Opa as a big part of my life and now Avery gets to have them in her life too.

Today Oma, as with almost every day, we celebrate the amazing woman you are and the inspirational life you have led over the past 85 years. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mini Me

I cannot even begin to describe in words how much I love the little girl that Avery has turned into recently. She is still my little stinker, and boy can she voice her opinion when she's not happy, but she has become such a caring, compassionate, loving, attentive, fun little girl!

I've noticed her Mommy-isms have increased, and I have to laugh at the Mini-Jenn running around the condo. This past week I've been sick with a horrible cold. Not only was Avery there to wipe my nose for me with her Boogie Wipes, she followed me to the bathroom and blew her nose with me, went to the bathroom for medicine when Mommy touched her sore head, made Mommy a bed on the couch and insisted I lay in it. She's shed light into some of my habits and it makes me laugh: when the phone rings she says "ugh," she tucks baby into her crib and closes the door behind her saying "bye-bye, luv ou" & blows kisses, she pats me on the back when I give her hugs, she's very tidy and loves to help Mommy dust - complete with holding the Pledge can between her legs... I could go on all day.

We had a mini-photo shoot in our parking lot on a rainy day last week in preparation for her upcoming 2nd birthday party. Wow, where did my baby go?
It makes me sad to look at Avery and know she's no longer a baby - time went way too fast. But I find myself loving and admiring this kid more and more every day. Mijn Tinje (my little Albertine) you are truly the love of my life. You keep me laughing with your clown-like humor, you dry my tears with your caring heart, and amaze me with the amount of knowledge you already possess in your 2 years of life.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Outback Kangaroo Farm

We visited Grandma & Papa for Papa's birthday and got to play with cousins Braden and Nolan and Aunt Jess. We wanted to reward Avery for a very successful week with no bottles, so we decided to visit the Outback Kangaroo Farm in Arlington.

We got to feed and pet Wallabies.
The kids had fun with Papa & Grandma.
These are all the animals we saw.
Daddy got up close and personal with a Llama.
And we got to hold a 6 month old baby Kangaroo!
Avery had lots of fun playing with her cousins. They even had a dance party with strobe lights & all in Grandma & Papa's room.
Thanks for another fun weekend with the Hunt family!