This week Avery hit the 10 month mark. Her actual birthday was a crazy day for us, I had to go into work for training and Starbucks big 40th Anniversary bash (did you see us on TV closing the NASDAQ?!), then rush out and take Andy to the doc for surgery on his thumb. Avery was a very good girl, even took a nap in her stroller while waiting for Daddy to get out of surgery, but we weren't able to get to her photo shoot until the next day.
Avery has become a little girl. (though size-wise she's still on the smaller size - she's getting into 9 month clothes). She is so much fun, has so much personality, and is becoming very mischievous. She's very proficient at crawling now, and once something is in her sights that she wants she books it - knees barely touching the ground. We've finally had to baby-proof our place since we're constantly chasing after her, shouting "Avery NO." She's learned the word NO now, and will stop, look at us, keep going and laugh. When the NO is solidified she gets mad and throws herself backwards. Stubborn little girl.
She pulls her self up on tables and couches and has found a very careful way of getting down. She did get her first bruise on her forehead last week though, slipping on the floor on a dismount from the coffee table. Poor baby, she's tough though! She's since had a few more bumps. She also thinks her crib is a great teething toy when she's not feeling her naps - now her crib has lovely bite marks all along the top. Crib teether is on the way! We think she is working on teeth #5 & 6. She's been pretty grumpy lately and doesn't have much of an appetite. Before the teeth issue she had been eating very well - as long as it came from Mommy & Daddy's plate. She even seems to like spicy food - a must have in this house!
Avery is starting to develop traits that we're learning, and they crack us up. She has a face when she's not amused: wrinkled up nose & snorting. She's thinks she's a dog sometimes panting. She gives a good hollar when she thinks there isn't enough attention on her. She likes to follow Mommy and Nana all over the house and tug on our pant legs. She's full of personality and definitely not afraid to show it. We love this little girl so much and love spending each and every new day with her.
Here are the pictures from her photo shoot. These are getting harder and harder - she will not stay still or keep the month sign on her onsie. I had to bribe her with toys and wrapped candies to get this one. (We even had a small temper-tantrum in the middle). Enjoy!

Does she know how to work it or what?

Happy birthday mijn Albertinje! (my little Albertine)