Avery is a very lucky girl, she gets to spend lots of time with both sets of grandparents, and she lvoes them very much!
2 weekends ago we spent some time up at Grandma & Grandpa's.
Grandma rocked Avery to sleep.

And Grandma and Grandpa played with Avery. She likes to think she's a big girl and stand up.

Pretty much every Sunday Avery and I go down to Kent while Andy is at work and spend time with Oma and Opa - and sometimes even Grote Oma & Grote Opa and Auntie Nan.
I think Avery has finally gotten over her fear of Opa's mustache. They bonded last weekend.

Avery gets to hang out with Nana 4 days a week since she is our full-time Nanny. Yesterday Nana and Avery came to have lunch with Mommy at Starbucks. Avery is a rock-star here at work so a good hour was spent making our rounds saying hi to everyone.

My little cutie. Of course she had to wear one of her Starbucks shirts.

We are very grateful that Avery has loving grandparents and great-grandparents that she gets to spend alot of time with.