I'm a little late on this one, but a couple weeks ago when we went into the doctor (2/26), the doctor measured my belly and it came out small, so he wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. Turns out she's only measuring about 5 days small (per the ultrasound) but my belly was smaller because she has wedged her head down into my pelvis, with her back on my left side and legs on the right - which is why I've been only feeling kicks on the right side. Since her head is so far wedged we didn't get any cute face shots, but here's what we did get:

She has some hair already, that's good news! Hmmm... wonder if it will be blonde...

Her heartbeat is still really strong, probably from all the aerobics she's been doing.

Here's her cute little hand.

And one more confirmation that she is indeed a girl.